It is great to see the growing conscious of Swissgliders Tandem Paragliding from Thun. Since a couple of weeks we have our own page on This is awesome news and we deeply appreciate it! Thanks!

Swissgliders page screenshot
Website screenshot of

Thank you, Bill, for your patience. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to find the right window for take-off. 🙂 All the best! Was a pleasure flying with you!

Niesen Tandemparagliding Delayed
High above Spiez – in the background the famous Niesen

Thank you Audinga for this fantastic tandem flight on that sunny day in the Bernese Oberland! Was a pleasure to fly with you! Cu soon!

Jeff and Lace were our happy customers today. We were so lucky to do this flight today if the windy weather conditions are taken into account. Thanks to our guests and also the second pilot Beat! We had a lot of fun as always! Cu soon!

Lots of fun last weekend at the Weissenstein (Jura)!

Neues Wendegurtzeug von Advance
Progress2 für Pilotengrössen von 155-172cm Körpergrösse
Rucksackvolumen 70Liter
Gewicht nur 3Kg

mit extrem leichtem Sky Lite Rundkappen Retter (1100gr leicht) in Grösse L für bis zu 95Kg Abfluggewicht

beides NEU unbenutzt


Lots of fun today at the Allmenalp (Kandersteg)!

Last weekend we were quite busy on the Niesen. Thanks to everyone! 🙂

Habe einen Thermik Schnellpacksack zu verkaufen. Sehr guter Zustand, wenig gebraucht. Verkaufspreis CHF 40.-. Abholung in Thun oder per Post gegen Aufpreis.
+41 79 606 84 82
